woensdag 11 maart 2015

The happystepz challenge; A 30 day awareness game.

If the twelve months of every year would represent a miss world competition, February would win the Miss No Flow cup with flying colors. It's our least favorite month of the year when nothing seems to be flowing and you've hit something that feels like the great wall, not of China, but of your emotions. Basically you have reached the end point to every optimistic start you made in January, only that long winter that never seems to end lingers on. By the time we are modestly welcomed into a new month by March it’s about time to turn those tables around. That’s the reason March is represented as Miss Bloom, a month of new opportunities and where new ideas are born. We've came up with the following idea; Let's turn these dreadful winter months into a beautiful start of this spring by making a 30 day photo challenge out of it. The thought alone lifted our mood by tenfold. So let us explain:


These are the rules: during these 30 days we will post a happiness related quote on Instagram and this blog each day and your task is to take a photo of something of your interpretation of this quote. Difficult? Not at all!
Let's practice a little bit!

When I say happy! You say sunshine!
When I say zen! You say beach!
When I say mindfulness! You say yoga mat!
When I say gratitude is your new attitude! You say my daily morning coffee!

We will post our own photo interpretation of these quotes every day as well.
Follow us on Instagram @happystepz
Tag all your photos #happystepzchallenge

By doing this Happystepz challenge we will take happiness to another level. It's a process of awareness and living in the now and if you join us we will show you how YOU can also reach this state of mind. Redirect your mind and attract the life you want. One step at a time.

Be happy and with love,
Ilona and Ana

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Klinkt leuk, I'm gain! Alhoewel ik me afvraag of mijn happiness geïnspireerde foto's gaan lukken op werkdagen (mijn niet zo happy place op het moment) haha.

    1. Hoi Esther! Daarin zit juist de uitdaging! De challenge is om elke dag een geinspireerde fotos te maken gebaseerd op alle dingen in het dagelijkse leven die je gelukkig maakt. Je zal zien dat het uiteindelijk reuze meevalt en er een hoop dingen zijn waar je dagelijks blij van kan worden. Ook zal je misschien meer dingen gaan ondernemen gedurende 30 dagen om nog meer inspirerendere foto's te nemen. Win win ;)
